Need Knoppix/Debian/KDE setup help

Robert Wultsch
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 14:36:21 -0700

1. No clue

2. You are on the right track but you willl have to reboot after setting 
the settings.

The german is a cntinueing problem for knoppix. I have memorived the 
german needed to change the languag settings.

Mark Phillips wrote:

> I installed Linux using the Knoppix 3.2 CD and I have a few mionor 
> problems. I hope someone can help!
> 1. Screen saver - The original installation only came with 2 screeen 
> savers - blank and random. After poking around I ended up doing an 
> apt-get install for xscreensaver 4.05. It seems to have installed ok - I 
> now have it as an option in the KDE control center along with blank and 
> random. When I click on setup, the dialog appears, and I can get it to 
> operate properly from here. However, when I leave the KDE control panel 
> (after selecting Xscreensaver and clicking on apply) and wait for the 
> Xscreensaver to work, all I get is a blank screen. How do I get 
> XScreensaver to work automatically? I can launch it from K - Debain - 
> Lock Screen as well.
> 2. How do I change the screen resolutions? I tried KDE Control Cen ter 
> -> Peripherals -> X display, but it does not do anything but display an 
> hour glass.
> I must say, however, that this setup was much easier than either Redhat 
> 7.2 or Mandrake 8.2, and almost everything worked out of the box (except 
> the above) The Knoppix hd install was fairly easy, althought the 
> installation questions need a little more explanation to make sense. It 
> is a good thing that I know enought German to get through the 
> installation, as I ended up with a German keybaord and computer after I 
> had selected English in the setup (probably cockpit error)! So far, 
> Debian and Apt-get are awesome.
> Thanks!
> Mark Phillips
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