Portable Music

Ted Gould plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
11 Jan 2003 11:30:57 -0700

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> I guess the easy answer would be not to make them so big - write a
> script that records for 650 or 700 MB, then start a new file.  Maybe
> I'll write it this weekend.  Anyone want a copy?

I was thinking about this too, but for a different reason.  I'd like to
back up my home directory on CD, but it's about 1GB...  So I've broken
the files up by hand, but well, that sucks.  I was thinking that
probably there is some backup utility that would do this, people have
dealt with tapes that were smaller than hard drives for a long time.  It
seems like there might be some way to use tar?


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