Downtown Users Group

Michael Havens
Wed, 1 Jan 2003 17:59:26 -0700

I vote for 'PLUG on Central'.

On Wednesday 01 January 2003 05:41 pm, der.hans wrote:
> Am 31. Dec, 2002 schw=E4tzte Derek Neighbors so:
> > There is no intention to fragment. I have spoken with Jim and Hans in
> > the past about this.  I would expect it to really be nothing more tha=
> > another PLUG meeting location. (dont expect to see its own website,
> > mailing lists, etc)  The only difference is instead of the 'downtown'
> > meeting.  It would be the the MC GLUG meeting. ;)  Much like the
> Sounds like a new McD's drink. :)
> > "Stammstisch" (sp) doesnt attribute anyting directly to PLUG.
> Yes, I try to maintain the GNU/Linux Stammtisch's neutrality as I want =
> to expand to other parts of the Valley and state.
> > For those wondering its not a GNU thing.  I just want to make sure th=
> > emphasis of the meetings there are not on 'open source' or 'linux' bu=
> > rather free software.  Having GNU in the name merely forces you to
> > explain freedom if someone asks what it means.
> How about MC FSUG or MC FSIG ( Free Software Informational Group ).
> I know you want MC for Maricopa County, but it sounds like something fr=
> McDonald's or some sort of DJ.
> How about Just making it Maricopa whatever or Central Phx whatever,
> Downtown Phx whatever or PLUG on Central ;-).
> Don't want to start a big name thing, but at the same time if you want =
> name to imply certain things, let's make sure it does so for people jus=
> learning about GNU/Linux and other Free Software.
> ciao,
> der.hans
