Open Office issue

Fred Wright
Wed, 01 Jan 2003 13:02:46 -0700

Do you have the "Installation Guide" (a .pdf file) that comes with OO?  I 
used that with good success in installing OO 1.0.1 on SuSE 8.0.  In the 
guide (Chapter 4), they are quite specific in their instructions (for 
Linux/Unix) to do a Multi-User or Network installation even though you 
might be installing on a single machine.  This is a 2-phase process!  Phase 
one is the base install as ROOT or as a user with system access rights on 
the target machine.  Complete this installation in a directory to which 
users have read and execute access rights using the -net parameter on the 
setup program.  Phase two is completed by EACH user.  The user then logs 
into the system and performs a Workstation Installation of OO in his or her 
home directory.

If you do not have the Installation Guide, let me know and I can send to 
you as an email attachment.

At 11:55 1/1/03 -0700, you wrote:
>Message: 1
>Date: 31 Dec 2002 15:22:51 -0700
>From: "Andrew and Kimi Adams" <>
>To: "" 
>Subject: Re: Open Office issue
>I uninstalled using the setup script, reinstalled using command below.
>Still, when I save, whether it's a new file or an existing file, it says
>error, invalid parameter, and something about possibly restoring when
>program restarts.
>Any other thing that I might be missing?
>Kimi Adams

Fred Wright