alias questions

Jenny Charlene
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 02:18:32 -0700

On Thursday 27 February 2003 01:34 am, Frank Burton wrote:
> I have a couple questions first off I have my box set
> up to only go to runlevel three So it wont go to X
> unless I want it to. Then I setup bashrc with a few
> aliases one being x=startx which works great but with
> KDE as the default and I prefer enlightenment so I
> tried E = startx enlightenment which doesnt work I
> think it has something to do with the space but I am
> not sure. I dont want to change Kde as the default wm
> I just want to be able to alias the startx
> enlightenment. Now the next question I want gkrellem
> to start automatically when I start enlightenment. I
> would prefer for it to only start for Enlightenment
> and not if I start another window manager but if it is
> not possiable I will be happy if you can tell me how
> to get it to launch at the start of X

You can't have spaces on either side of the '=' sign in alias statements, and 
you have to single quote the startx command, to properly pass it to the 
shell. As _bash_ by O'Reilly says, when it doubt, use single quotes!
alias E='startx enlightenment'
Take care,

Random quote of the day:
	All I want is more than my fair share.