LotR:FotR soundtrack CD on Linux

Alan Dayley plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:37:22 -0700

I just popped in my Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring movie sound=
CD to listen to while doing email.  What could be better?!

Well, no sound played.  Konqueror cranked up and displayed files that are=
designed to autostart content when the disk is inserted in a Windows box.=
Great.  The fine print on the back of the case says it is an enhanced CD =
going to places on the web.  Great.  I just want to play the music.  Goog=
searched turned up an endless list of reviews for the music, movie or gam=
e CD=20
but I see nothing that notes how to play the music "hidden" behind the=20
"enhancement"  (grumble!  gripe!)

Any ideas on how to get to the music?
