LDAP, web interface, Outlook integration

Bryce C plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
06 Feb 2003 16:17:16 -0700

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Check out sites like http://php.resourceindex.com Also,
http://ldapweb.sf.net/ Heck, I'll just say it, Google is your friend.

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 16:01, William Lindley wrote:
> I have a customer with several computers, one of which has his
> company client address book in (cringe) Outlook...
> Would like to move that address book to a server (perhaps LDAP) so
> everyone could share the same address book, and also to permit viewing an=
> editing it from a web interface.
> Any suggestions on web resources, or what's good, or what to stay away
> from?
> \\/
> http://www.wlindley.com
> ---------------------------------------------------
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Bryce C <Plug@BryceCo.Net>
CoBryce Communications

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