more mailman woes..

Tue, 4 Feb 2003 01:54:56 -0700

ok- i've been banging my head against the wall here for some time 
attempting to get this thing running on a RH 7.1 box to no avail.
the web pages come up ok.
  for administration i can change settings and all that other good 
stuff. <they seem to save- as i come back later and they're what i last 
no matter how i try- it wont acknowledge that i've even tried to add 
members- either thru the self subscribe, or the direct -join or 
-subscribe email alias.
the permissions seem to be correct-
anyone out there with the capability  to help troubleshoot this thing?

a buddy of mine in TN tried to do it on his rh7.3 box, had to upgrade 
his python, and managed to break his system..
<needless, i think i'll goto mexico inistead of TN for my next vacation 
or 3..>

odd thing is i went thru the python upgrade on my system, and had no 

<not quite one with the force, but still trying>