hauppauge winTV card

Austin Godber plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 02 Feb 2003 21:00:14 -0700

Bill Warner wrote:
> Anyone useing one of these?  I have been trying to get mine to work and
> have it mostly working.  The only trouble I am haveing is that the sound
> while able to read form /dev/dsp2 and send to /dev/dsp with the sox
> command I can't get it to work with xawtv.  
> The only way I have been able to get the sound to work is by useing the
> cd-in wire from the tv card to the sound card.  This works but it is
> extreamely low, I have to turn down all other mixer lines to about 10%
> and crank the cd line up to max in order for the sound to be about
> right.
> This also deesn't seem to let me record stuff useing xawtv to an avi or
> raw video file with sound.  This means I cant get things like freevo to
> work right.
> any help would be, well, helpfull.

I have one of these too.  I have successfully used XawTV, Zapping and 
mplayer to watch TV.  I have my audio passing through a CD cable too but 
into my AUX plug on the SoundBlaster Live board.  I don't have a volume 
problem and I have not tried recording at all either.

I have just gotten this and have not really gotten it working fully. 
For instance, how would I connect a VCR or DVD player to it?  I have 
tried using a coax and viewing on channel 4 like I did on TV and I have 
also tried the Svideo input (well, with an RCA to SVIDEO adapter).  I 
can't seem to get any real picture.  I know to set the standard to NTSC, 
but beyond that I am confused.  Actually, I am not sure what docs to 
look at, the v4l docs?
