SW for school project

der.hans plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 01:50:16 -0700 (MST)

Am 15. Sep, 2002 schwätzte DARREN BROWN so:

> I am currently enrolled in a Systems Analysis and Design class.  This
> class we are working on a project as an IT consulting group for New
> Century Health Clinic.  The Clinic as been operating on a paper system
> since it opened its doors.  They curently have no computers to help
> perform the work.  The class groups have been assigned to design a new
> computer system to get away from all the paper trails.

debian has a package called odontolinux. See if you can coerce that into
doing what you want. Also look at phpgroupware. Oh, and that GNUe thing
Derek's working on as well ;-).

It's also rumored that there are a couple of hppa ( or whatever the med
standard thing is ) projects out there somewhere.


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