losing my usb mouse during suspend

Scott H plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:27:47 -0800 (PST)

> From: David Mandala <davidm@them.com>
> For those of you that are using Mandrake or Red
> Hat you can modify the
> apmd script to automatically flip you to a text
> console and back when
> suspending. Look in /etc/sysconfig/ for the
> apmd script or a directory
> in /etc/sysconfig that has the apmd script.
> Debian should also have this
> but I somehow doubt it's located in
> /etc/sysconfig. 
> Anyway edit the script there are some lines in
> it that say:
> # if you have problems with your X display
> after returning from suspend
> mode
> # give CHANGEVT the number of the virtual
> terminal your X-Server runs on
> uncomment the #CHANGEVT="7" line by removing
> the # and all should be
> well when suspending. When you go to suspend
> the system will flip to a
> text console and when unsuspending it will flip
> back to X.

Great idea, but it doesn't seem to work quite
right on my Mandrake 8.2 laptop.  It DOES get the
USB mouse working after suspend, but it kills my
X session, dropping me to the logon screen after
the suspend, and doesn't save any of my work. 
So, I guess I'll stick with the ol' Ctl-Alt-F1
switch to a console and back solution.  Thanks!


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