[OT]Free HW for schools/charity

Jeffrey Pyne plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:25:13 -0700

Around Christmastime last year, I filled the bed of my pickup truck with a
bunch of stuff that I wasn't using anymore:  old computers (386s through
P-IIs), monitors (including my trusty 20" SGI monitor, AKA "The Tank"),
keyboards, mice, hard drives, video cards, NICs, etc., etc. and dropped it
all off at an AZStRUT collection event.  Cool thing Number 1 is that it's
tax deductible (and the more tax deductions I can come up with, the
better!).  Cool thing Number 2 is that kids get to learn how to work on
computers.  Cool thing Number 3 is that when the kids are done working on
the computers, they donate them to other non-profit organizations that need
computer equipment.  Cool thing Number 4 is that I didn't have to pay to
dispose of my old (but still useful) monitors (since it's environmentally
uncool, and in some states illegal, to just throw them away since they're
classified as "hazardous waste" due to the mercury, lead and other toxic
compounds in a CRT).  

So, as other people have stated:  AZStRUT == good!


On Wednesday, October 23, 2002 9:38 PM, Deepak Saxena wrote:
> I have a pile of HW that I really need to get out of my apt and am 
> wondering if anyone has info on where to provide donations for schools
> or charities?
> Speaking of trash heaps, anyone know of a computer reclying place in 
> town that does not ship stuff to villages in 3rd world countries for
> smelting? 
> I'm willing to help whatever school/charity ends up with the HW set it
> up if needed, the main thing is just getting it out of my place.