MS2LINUX - Authentication basics

David Mandala
09 Oct 2002 16:44:14 -0700

Oh, you actually don't have to maintain the accounts on the server it's
just recommended to since you would be completely locked out in the
event of a network failure or if the main authentication box failed.

Galeon and Mozilla both send my username's and passwords almost
automatically, just fills in the data for me and allows me to choose to
send it or not. I've never had any problems using it. As far as broken
MS protocols well I don't worry much about them, I have remote
authentication working fine for Linux and UNIX based clients and
somewhat with MS products but then I don't really worry about them much.
While IE is integrated in to the OS it is done so badly in terms of
security that I don't bother with it, in fact I disable it on customers
machines to remove yet another security threat.

Thanks for the update on what you meant though.


On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 12:31, Bill Warner wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 17:27, David Mandala wrote:
> > Bill I am bit confused would you please be more explicit? Both on the
> > NIS "1/2" of your passwd/shadow/group files and on the Linux not
> > maintaining the authentication. 
> basically you can maintain system accounts on the box like root and bin
> but have the users on the nis server.  There is a code i think it was ++
> that up put after the last system account on the box that was the key to
> say pull the rest of the passwd file form the nis server.
> Maintaining the authentication the way it works in windows with
> different applications and file sharing.  Mozilla can't send your
> username and password automatically to the corporate website the way IE
> can.  and similar things.  Not a big deal for an admin or someone that
> knows what they are doing, but when you are dealing with 700 Sales
> people you need everything to be as easy as possible.
> -- 
> Bill Warner
> Unix/Linux Admin.
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