X-server to Windows 2000 client?

Mark Astrauskas plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 19 May 2002 20:25:14 -0700 (PDT)

> I've had this working for about a year.  You need
> to, at the command line, type: export
> DISPLAY="YOUR_IP:0:0" where YOUR_IP is the IP 
> address of the X-server. 
> You may also need to change the 0.0 depending on 
> your configuration but probably not.   That just 
> specifies what display of the computer to
> display on (port 6001 etc..).

I've tried this, with no luck. I do an 'ls
/tmp/.X11-unix/ and only get only display listed, the
current VNC server. What else could I try?

-A.P. Etc

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