
Kimi A. Adams
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 12:56:32 -0700

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To the group,

Near the end of November as best as I can recall, there was a posting that 
spoke of developing a for sale site that everyone could use to post things 
for sale.  It was mentioned that Unity Wave may be able to assist with our 
programming for this project.

We now have available for viewing, posting, 
etc.  There are a couple of things that may be confusing.  In order to post 
your ad, you must become a merchant first.  Near the top of the site is a 
link.  Click that Merchant link, fill in the form and hit submit.  Some 
time later, you will receive an email (so it's important to put in a valid 
email address).  From that email, you need to take the passcode, return to 
the site, find the space to enter the passcode, then follow the process.

After you have finished this process, you will then be able to enter items 
you have for sale.  I will not promote the site to search engines until 
near the end of the coming week due to time constraints for the person that 
has offered to complete this task for me.  But after that, it will become a 
published site.

Word of mouth will be necessary to further promote and sell your items.  If 
you should have any questions, please let me know.  If you see anything 
that you wish to change other than the URL issues already in the works to 
change, let me know of those things too.

Until the site becomes heavy with traffic, it's free to post and change 
your for sales items as necessary.  All submits will be screened for porn, 
profanity and nudity, to protect the innocent and to largely keep the law 
out of the pot.  Mainly, this is for all the people I know and love, to 
post their extra parts and pieces (hey, my mom has good stuff too!).  At 
some point, we realized that others should post too and get the same 
benefit from it.  We may use this for any type of reference library (as 
also mentioned some time ago) or other such useful things under another sub 
domain.  If you have suggestions like this, by all means necessary, let me 
know!  : )

We will also begin to use this kind of programming on the AZOTO site for 
signing up members and volunteers.  That may be a week or more in finishing 
due to time constraints on a paying project at the moment.

Thank you for the opportunity to show what we have (only a small portion of 
it) to all of you.  Good luck and hope you all make gads of money selling 

Kimi Adams
Unity Wave

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