Niche Linux Distros

Robert Bushman
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 10:57:09 -0400 (EDT)

One of the great strengths of Linux for us
geeks is that it's easy to find the right
distro. Want stability? use Debian or Slackware.
Easy to install on the desktop? SuSE or Mandrake.
Lots of industry support? RedHat. Minimalist?
Linux From Scratch. (fill in your preferred
flavor wherever appropriate)

Niche marketing is something Linux is uniquely
well adapted too, because of its componentized,
open nature. The freedom to use Linux as one
sees fit, as long as you allow others to do
the same, is the entire point of the GPL.
Sharing your results is a Good Thing, no
matter who your distro appeals to.

Extending this concept beyond the realm of
geeks to end user niches like churches will
help us to drive Microsoft's market share
back to a level where they can once again be a
healthy competitor (or destroy them if you
prefer that objective).