InstallFest Tips?

Wed, 5 Jun 2002 16:02:49 -0700 (MST)

Am 05. Jun, 2002 schwätzte Robert Bushman so:

> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>  "This time around, everything not forbidden is mandatory."
>  "...Congress is willing to butcher the $600 billion tech industry
>   to feed the $35 billion entertainment sector..."
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

$35 billion? industry vs. sector?

A couple of films this year have made over $100 million in the opening
weekend. Spider Man has over $300 million in the .us thus far.

Hell, film, tv, music, and sports all probably top $35 billion on their own.
Granted, there's a lot of cross-over because sports get a lot of the money
from tv, but I find it hard to believe that the 'entertainment sector' is
only $35 billion.

They're also the only sector that hasn't been reducing salaries or having
massive layoffs.

Wouldn't it be great to see a bunch of the baseball teams have to layoff 7
or 8 players mid-season? :)

Coach ( to GM ): But we have to have 9 players on the field.
GM: Well, you're just gonna have to find a way to make do. Remember, we
expect no loss in productivity or quality...


#  I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans