Question about security on a program........

Kimi A. Adams
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 09:35:27 -0700

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I have a potential customer requesting a program that I believe will 
provide security issues.  It's called YTalk, see the link below.

I has lot's of information but since I am unfamiliar with this product, I 
need to know from the group whether it's a potential problem for security 
risks.  This person says he dials in with an ISP dial up account, initiates 
the Ytalk program from his shell account, then "rings" the other party, his 
friend in Ukrain, and they are connected.  I believe it's sorta like IRC, 
which is not too much of a problem but I just won't light up "talk" on my 
servers for obvious reasons.

If there is a good way to protect against security risks, I would like to 
know that as well.  Again and always, I appreciate all comments and info I 
can get from all of the group.  Thanks.

Kimi Adams
Unity Wave

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