intro classes?

Tue, 6 Aug 2002 16:57:07 -0700

Hash: SHA1

While the primary purpose of the "Intro Classes" is to teach newbies what 
apps they can use to do what they want to do with their computers without 
proprietary software and how to use the tools that come with a Linux distro, 
I think we would be missing the point seriously by failing to emphasize the 
freedom that we are giving them and teaching them to learn how to use.

I know that this intro type of class can only teach one email app and one 
browser app, etc, but there is no reason to not let the newbies know that 
once they are comfortable using the new tools, they are free to explore the 
other possibilities and use them if they choose to.  That word "free" (as in 
freedom) keeps popping up over and over.  Even to the extent that the data 
that they save from something like an email program is stored in a free, open 
format that can be used by other apps.

The concepts of "Free Software" and "Freedoms" are basic precepts of 
RMS/GNU/FSF.  Just by using them implies (at least to us who are in the know) 
the very real freedoms that we do have and are in jeopardy of losing.  I 
thing that whatever acronym is decided on, either Free or Freedom should be a 
part of it. 

- -- 

Freedom is worth protecting

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