more CD-related problems

Lynn David Newton
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 07:08:05 -0700

Here is a summary of my latest CD-related problems:

o I have a CD-RW burner in /dev/hdc and a standard CD-R
  in /dev/hdd.

o Although I had unexplainable problems with these a
  couple of weeks ago, they now basically function
  properly except for one nasty habit -- I can put a
  data disk in either one, mount it, cd to it, ls, cd
  back, and umount. When I press the button to eject
  the disk it holds on to it.

o This is what the routine looks like from a shell.

  $ mount /cdrom
  $ cd /cdrom
  $ ls
  autorun  COPYING  preview  README  RedHat  RPM-GPG-KEY	TRANS.TBL
  $ cd
  $ umount /cdrom
  ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy
  $ ps -ef | grep loop
  root      9402     1  0 06:59 pts/1    00:00:00 [loop0]
  lnewton   9409  8705  0 06:59 pts/1    00:00:00 grep loop
  $ eject -r
  eject: unable to eject, last error: Device or resource busy

  That's it. I'll be unable to eject that disk, not as
  root, not by killing processes, not by any way I know
  of except by *rebooting*. (Bad computer! Very bad

  I suspect that loop process is involved somehow,
  though I don't know exactly what a loop device is.

o This is what is in /etc/fstab for my CD devices:

  /dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660 noauto,user,ro,loop 0 0
  /dev/burner /burner iso9660 noauto,user,ro,loop 0 0

BTW, I have my environment set *not* to automount data
disks on insertion.

Any clues what's going on here?

The never-ending battle to make *everything* on my
computer work right all at the same time goes on. I may
even accomplish it just about in time for the next
release. What fun! I'm glad I get paid for this.

Lynn David Newton
Phoenix, AZ