A challenge (was Re: Of course, they'll deny it.)

der.hans plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:10:56 -0700 (MST)

Am 20. Sep, 2001 schwätzte George Toft so:

> I tried something similar:
> ps aux | grep corewar | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
> The processes spawn too fast.  I tried your solution - did not
> work.  I change the awk to print $1, and it still did not
> work.

All of those are gonna going to be slower than the original respawning code.

chmod a-w /dir/that/has/corewars

Then get rid of it.

For Nick's perl bomb that won't help. Neither will removing execute perms on
the script or perl. That one pretty well requires that there were process
and cpu limits on the user in question. In aix you can add those limits on
the fly, but I think linux requires them to be in place before the process
was started.

Can you just 'rm -rf /proc/<pid>' the process? What does that do? Granted
Nick's perl bomb should be killable if you can hit it quick enough, I was
just wondering what would happen if you tried to rm the pid dir in proc.
Probably nothing as there are no write perms. What about making it 000?


# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
#  Like the maid, I don't do (M$)Windows. - der.hans