using pine for send AND receive

Wed, 19 Sep 2001 02:33:25 -0700 (MST)

Am 17. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Lucas Vogel so:

> Does anyone know how to set pine up so that it will not only send messages
> but will receive them as well? I REALLY don't want to go through the
> hassle of trying to figure out and configure sendmail; I've tried several
> times trying to get qmail to work as well, and really just want a CLI
> quick-fix for my email...

If you want pine to act as an MTA ( be able to accept incoming smtp ), then
you're gonna have to write it :).

If you're using debian, then both exim and postfix have config programs that
run when you install them. They work great. Very little knowledge needed.

I presume those scripts can be available for other dists.

If all else fails install debian and either exim or postfix. Let the config
script config it for you. scp the config to your other box and use it there.
If you do this take your destination box off the air for a bit and config
the debian box just like it was the destination box.


#  Don't step in front of speeding cars, don't eat explosives
#  and don't use m$ LookOut :). - der.hans