anonymous services

Kevin Buettner
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:03:56 -0700

On Sep 14,  1:31pm, Eric wrote:

> >How will passing a law prevent or stop terrorists from having secure
> >communications?  Outlawing cryptography will have no effect on TERRORISTS
> >but it will effect ME!  The burden you speak of WILL NOT BE REMOVED by
> >outlawing the technology.  It will burden ME!
> Your assertion that terrorists will not be negatively afffected or impeded
> by crypto restrictions is an assertion that is empirically based.  The proof
> is in the puddin', so to speak.  When the NSA or FBI says that cryptograhpy
> restricts their ability to fight terrorism, I tend to believe them.  Do you
> not think that the NSA knows how to do its job?  Are you in a better
> position than the NSA to say whether cryptography allows secure
> communications between terrorists?  With all respect, I think not.


You're missing the point.  The terrorists will still be able to use
cryptography regardless of laws that the US or any other nation may
