I may hate Microsoft, but...

Chris Cowan plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 14:28:33 -0700

These terrorist are not international like the 9-11. They are American terrorist groups capitalizing on the 9-11 events. Think about it, American Media, NBC, Microsoft aka MSNBC, Sony Pictures... they are all considered media targets. The groups that have been targeting the media  are mainly skin-heads, KKK, Neo-Nazis.... etc

It's just like after the '93 attack on the WTC. Ted Kaczynski started up again because he did want to be forgotten in the media frenzy covering the WTC bombings.

Furthermore the government already claimed that these events are unrelated to the WTC 9-11 Attacks. 

Another thing to remember is that the 9-11 terrorists relied on the media to broadcast their action so they would have a wider spread of terror. I would think that the media is consider a weapon for terrorism and not a target.

These are just my theorys...


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "der.hans" <PLUGd@lufthans.com>
Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 13:29:35 -0700 (MST)

>Am 12. Oct, 2001 schwätzte Digital Wokan so:
>> the check would be going back to their main offices.  (It's amazing how
>> many foreigners I talk to who have no idea what Arizona is, so they
>> probably didn't know the difference between WA and NV.)
>I'm actually amazed at how many not only know .az, but also that Phx, Tempe,
>Sccts, etc. are different cities in the same metropolis and know where Yuma,
>Sedona and many other non-metropolises are. Then again, my friend in the .uk
>still can't figure out that .az isn't .tx.
># der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
>#  NO LES
>#        -- tombstone, in Tombstone, AZ
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