Cox@Home's response to an inquiry regarding 11/30 cutoff.

Mark Myers
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 11:00:45 -0700

I sent Cox@Home a question regarding Friday's deadline.
This is the response that I received.

Dear Mr. Myers:

Thank you for your recent e-mail to Cox Communications.

As you know, Excite@Home has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection,
and it is currently in the midst of bankruptcy court proceedings.  On 
Friday, the bankruptcy judge is expected to rule on a motion to 
determine whether Excite@Home has the right to shut down service to its 
customers.  We are actively negotiating with all parties involved to 
come to an agreement BEFORE Friday.  Were hopeful that we can reach an 
agreement before the court ruling, which would mean that this ruling is 
a non-issue. 

In the event that we do not reach an agreement before Friday, then we 
will look to the judge for a ruling on if Excite@Home has the right to 
shut down service.  If the judge rules that Excite@Home does have this 
right, we will take all possible legal actions, such as filing an appeal
and asking for a stay, which is essentially a hold on any action.    

In addition, we have service contingency plans to address all possible 
outcomes, and we will keep you informed on developments as we have more 
information.  Please know that your satisfaction is our first priority, 
and we are taking all necessary steps to ensure ongoing, reliable 
high-speed Internet service for our customers now and in the future.  

We hope this sufficiently responds to your inquiry. Thank you again for 
contacting us via email. Please let us know if we can be of further 


E-Care Specialist
Cox Communications - Phoenix

Original Message Follows:

Form Message

subject:	Product Sales Question 	
detail:	Cox@Home 	
FirstName:	Mark 	
LastName:	Myers 	
Email Address: 	
Phone:	602-487-1472 	
HomeAddress:	P.O. Box 38636 	
City:	Phoenix 	
State:	AZ 	
Zip:	85069 	
Comments:	Will we still have Internet access after Friday November
submit:	Submit Questions