dual-head card?

Thomas Mondoshawan Tate plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:23:28 -0700

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On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 01:11:06PM -0700, der.hans wrote:
> moin, moin,
> what's the best dual-head card available with Free Software drivers, e.g.
> already in XFree86?
> I'm mostly interested in tons of xterms, konqueror and a few other gui ap=
> I want it to be crystal clear, I mean down to the molecular level. I real=
> that isn't available, so the closest to it will have to do.
> I need a high refresh rate ( > 80 ) at at least 1280x1024. 1600x1200 would
> be better. 24 bit for colors.

Two major cards I know of that do dual-headding in the same card are the ATI
Radeon VE and the Matrox G400. Of the two, I'd reccommend the G400 because
it's been around longer and Matrox tends to make clearer cards (their
RAMDACs tend to be a bit better than ATI's, and besides, ATI's an evil
closed-source corp, whereas Matrox has given out the specs to the hardware
on the G400 without compromise). Thing is, it's pretty tricky to find one of
these cards -- have to either order directly from Matrox or from some other
non-advertised reseller.

Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate

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