Another Recommendation

Kurt Granroth
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 16:22:26 -0700

On Monday 12 November 2001 04:06 pm, Sriram Thaiyar wrote:
> |  Chill.  You seem rather hypersensitive about your culture.  I
> |  incorrectly
> Where do you get that?  You assumed that my name was feminine.  I
> assumed that you didn't know about other cultures.  Now who is
> hypersensitive?

Some years ago ('94 or so), I had a 4-month long "flirtation" over
email with a person named Jan.  It never occured to me to ask if Jan
was male or female since in the US, 99.9% of all Jan's are female.

Word to the wise: *most* Jan's in Europe (and this one was from Sweden)
are guys.

It turns out that Jan was the latter sex and was just playing along to
see how long it took me to find out (as mentioned, 4 months).  Believe
me that I never assume *any* gender based on names anymore :-)
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop