Why Linux will win and Micro$oft will lose

Rusty Carruth plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 12:03:06 -0700 (MST)

> KevinO wrote:
> > My maintenance has required about 1 visit per year,
> > of less than an hours duration, per machine...
> Kevin, I have to admit I had less success than you.
> I worked hard to get RH7.1 on my daughter-in-law's
> machine, and was pretty well flummoxed with the
> PPP connection to Inficad.  The Red Had dialer

EEk.  Inficad.  I had an awful time getting inficad
connection to work.  Once it was up, I copied my
scripts from one firewall install to the next!

I do vaguelly recall having some kind of trouble
with the version of pppd on one machine, but that's
been a long time now.... And I've switched to
