strange movie i saw last year

Gary Nichols
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 09:50:18 -0700

I especially like how she is able to connect to the internet via a dialup connection in 5 seconds...  or how she gets LAN transfer
speeds over the same dialup.  I want to know who her ISP is.  :-)

Bryce wrote:

> I watched "The Net" a couple nights ago and I was surprised by how much true
> Unix/linux was used.  The main company was "Cathedral Software" and they all
> ran Macs with a custom interface.  The main character, Angela Bennett/Ruth
> Marx (Julia Roberts), is a debugger and she frequently accesses Cathedral's
> mainframe which was running, you guessed it, Unix.  You can quite easily
> follow what she is on the mainframe.  This is not the only mention of Unix
> however, the villains are also quit versed in the workings of the internet
> and Unix and you can follow their conversations about trace routing and how
> she hops from router to router across the world when they're trying to find
> where she is.  I highly recommend this movie so go out and rent it.  Great
> basis on reality with just the right amount of fiction.  Also, read the book
> by Tom Clancy.  C'est trés chuoette aussi.
> Bryce C.
> Network Administrator / Scripting Consultant
> CoBryce Communications
> Bryce@BryceCo.Net
> http://www.BryceCo.Net