Where to put dev libs?

Eric Richardson plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 30 May 2001 15:20:19 -0700

"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 25. May, 2001 schwäzte Eric Richardson so:
> > I'm trying to compile a program gbonds on Debian stable. I've installed
> > the libxxx-dev packages needed and since libgnome was too old, 1.0.56
> > instead of 1.2.xx, I downloaded the source from testing and compiled it.
> > So far so good.

When I use the dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc, debian way, I can't even get it
This is called after apt-get completes via the -b option as shown below.

apt-get source -b libgnome-dev
cd <package dir> && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc

This should create a .deb file.

> Could you just use libgnome from testing? Using the configged apt-test I
> posted last week allows you to not dirty your stable package lists.

I tried both testing and unstable and am bugging the packager but so far
it hasn't helped.

> BTW, apt-get can now handle specifying dist, e.g.:
> apt-get install libgnome/testing
not with stable
Package: apt
Version: 0.3.19

I'll let you know if I find anything out.
