
Thu, 3 May 2001 07:39:05 -0700 (PDT)

Is your apache recompiled to run with php and mysql?

--- Tyler Hall <> wrote:
> I installed MYSQL lately, and ran into the weirdest
> problem.   I'm wondering
> if anyone else has had this problem:
> It shows that it is running;
> [root@gizmo tyler]# mysqladmin ping -p
> Enter password:
> mysqld is alive
> [root@gizmo tyler]# mysqld
> 010503  7:37:04  Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP
> port: Address already in
> use
> 010503  7:37:04  Do you already have another mysqld
> server running on port:
> 3306 ?
> 010503  7:37:04  Aborting
> [root@gizmo tyler]# telnet localhost 3306
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.localdomain.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> NHost 'localhost.localdomain' is not allowed to
> connect to this MySQL
> serverConnection closed by foreign host.
> I can even telnet to the port, but thats not the
> point.     I'm trying to
> get PHPSlash, or PHPMyAdmin to work with it, and it
> won't let me connect to
> it.  It says it's not active (not running).   Is
> there a place where I need
> to specifiy to let all web connections access it? 
> That sounds funny, but I
> have no other solution to this problem.  I can do a
> mysqladmin create
> database > or whatever, and it will
> create it, but nothing on
> the web will be able to connect to the database.
> Thanks,
> Tyler
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