Ask PLUG: best OS for wireless applications

Fri, 30 Mar 2001 01:51:33 -0700 (MST)

Am 29. Mar, 2001 schwäzte so:

> Sorry Hans, you are dead wrong.  I am a troll.  Better
> recalibrate your troll recognition circuitry.  I shoulda
> put " ;) " after the "."

Hmm. Have to go through more of my Norwegian folks tales. They had a lot
of ways of dealing with trolls :).

> I was just thinking how cool it would be to have an
> embedded wireless numeric (NOT alphanumeric!) pager with
> 4G of RAM and 140G of disk so it *could* run
> Windows 2000, be real slow, and crash and burn.  ;)
> But "A4 Sheety" (Clippy's lil' buddy) would be your
> helpful wizard companion to assist you with mangling all
> of your numeric PAGEs, so it's definitely worth it at
> the end of the day.

Does this also come with a handy carrying case? Say one of those
industrial 4 wheel dollies overnight delivery people use?


# ;-)
#  The only way for a woman to change a man
#  is if he's wearing Depends[TM] - der.hans