Repair .hdepend file?

Alan Dayley
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 21:30:39 -0700

Well, well!  I obviously don't understand the workings of the kernel or rpm.

I gave up, for the moment, on the rpm files.  I renamed linux-2.4.2-2-Org 
back to linux-2.4.2.  On a whim I typed make mrproper.  It worked!

The .hdepend file is much longer, with a great many more lines after the 
previously offending one.  All I can think is that the rpm program "knew" 
that the source tree had "-Org" tacked on the root directory name and 
restored the .hdepend file for me.

Any comments?  As my wife chides me: "Just be happy it works!" but I always 
want to know why!


On Wednesday 13 June 2001 09:00 pm, you wrote:
> I have not been able to find a way to repair my .hdepend file.  Well,
> tonight I thought I would pull the source off the RH 7.1 install CDs to
> re-install the sources.  I can't make it work.
> I copied the RPM files kernel-2.4.2-2.i586.rpm and
> kernel-headers-2.4.2-2.i586.rpm from the CD into the /usr/src directory.
> I renamed the linux-2.4.2 directory (the old source tree) to
> linux-2.4.2-Org.
> I run: rpm -ihv --force kernel-2.4.2-2.i586.rpm
> I watch the messages and the hash marks update on the screen.  I see and
> here my hard drive go like mad.
> I do ls -a.  There is no linux-2.4.2 directory.  I have no idea where rpm
> put the source package it supposedly unpacked.  The find tool finds the
> source files in the old source tree and nowhere else.
> What I am not understanding here?  The kernel howto is specific to the
> general linux source at and the redhat site is impossible to
> find specifics on the procedure.
> Alan
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