konqueror scrolling

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 10:43:10 -0700

der.hans wrote:
> noticed today that vi keys work for scrolling with konqueror, e.g. j is
> down, k is up, h is left and l is right. Most cool. Been wanting that
> for years.

It's been there for quite some time.. but will always be an
unadvertised feature.  I added it well over a year ago when I found
myself constantly hitting 'j' when I wanted to scroll down (I use
'less' and 'vi' for all of my text docs).  I was going to add '/' to
start a search, but didn't for some good reason at the time (don't
Kurt Granroth            | http://www.granroth.org
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
granroth@kde.org         | granroth@suse.com
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop