Reiserfs partition problem

Wayne Conrad
26 Jul 2001 09:42:13 -0700

What version of the kernel are you running, Steve?

On Thu, 26 July 2001, "foodog" wrote:
> I'm bringing up a server to run CommuniGate Pro (nice, BTW) under RH 7.1
> and was wondering if anyone has heard of this offhand:  at shutdown, if
> I haven't dismounted the reiserfs partition the system hangs trying to
> unmount filesystems.
> I admittedly haven't RTFM. If the infernal Windows viruses will give me
> a break for 10 minutes I hope to today :(
> It's a 75GB partition, the fstab entry is
> /dev/sda11   /var/CommuniGate   reiserfs   defaults  1 2
> Thanks for taking a look :-)
> Steve