
John (EBo) David
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 00:38:39 -0700

Brian Cluff wrote:
> Yup, the marc standard is incedible....  I never realized there was that
> much information about books... although I guess its ment to categorize
> just about anything that a library might end up carrying.
> I would definatly like to see it get done, but like you, at least in the
> near future, I won't be able to even think about starting it.
> I would definatly like to see it developed in such a way that it isn't
> integrated too much into anything so that any project could pick it up and
> use it.  I would definatly like to see a lot more free library software
> being used.

as someone else mentioned, we really do not need MARC.  Any software
that supports a taged field DB interface should work.  Worst case we
have to type in the citations...

So we should be able to get it up with little or nothing.

  EBo --