
Brian Cluff
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:20:29 -0700 (MST)

We could setup a koha system (library software) and it can hold all sorts
of information on the books as well as their location.  It's pretty good
software for book management and I think it could be adapted to our needs.
We have been looking it over for use at the school, and the fact that it's
gpl will help a lot.  Right now we probably areant going to use it becuase
it's not capable of importing marc files, but I have the file spec on had
and if I can get enough time, I plan and adding the ability to it. <grin>

Brian Cluff 

> I think it would be cool to have a list of books that members are willing to 
> share (maybe on the redesigned web site) and let other members request them 
> for a period of time.  The owners of the circulating books could either 
> retain ownership with right to withdraw them from circulation or they could 
> donate the books (maybe better handled by AZOTO).
> Lets face it, if we all start comparing lists of books on our bookshelfs, 
> there are gonna be a lot of books that appear on almost every list.  I am 
> sure that Tim O'Reilly wouldnt appreciate book sharing, as opposed to book 
> buying.
> I think this kind of thing would be especially useful to newbies who do not 
> yet have a large collection of technical Linux books yet and to other members 
> who are venturing into a new area of Linux.
> Anyway - its just an idea that I am throwing out.
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