PLUG Web Site

Mon, 16 Jul 2001 16:21:19 -0700

I am checking with Brian to see if he can host the development site.  As I 
told him, one of the original founders is providing the space for the 
production site right now.  Its his way of staying involved with PLUG.  I 
dont think he is running PhP so if we use it, we might be forced to move.

As far as some sort of navigation, I would really like to keep the index page 
as clean as it is now (I will upload a new version with some included files 
copied in for now) but ya need to tell the visitors what else they can find 
on the site.  I wouldnt be adverse, in fact i might really like, a 
PhP-generated image with variable text that we can just pile left to right at 
the top of the page.  Makes adding new sections a snap.

On Monday 16 July 2001 16:00, you wrote:
> On Mon, 16 July 2001, "Jim" wrote:
> > Anyone have web space available that we can use?  Qwest really sux. 
> > Apache and PhP would be fun to play with for this project.
> I've got web server space if you want it for development.  Apache with PHP
> already set up, if I recall.  The disk isn't full yet, and if it gets full
> or cramped, I'll get another one.  The processor sucks -- it's a Celeron
> 333 or something, but I've got a nice AMD K6-3 550 with more RAM that I'm
> just looking for an excuse to put in there.  Even the rotten Celeron is
> more than enough for PHP -- It's just a little slow for compiling apache or
> PHP or the kernel.
> The server is on a 144k DSL line, so that's why it's for development only
> -- we'd have to find somewhere else to host the site once it was finished
> (although there should be no problem with PLUG members look at what you're
> doing, so long as it doesn't get totally slashdotted).  It currently hosts
> 3 low-volume sites, but it's still pretty lightly loaded.  The only time
> the line gets loaded at all is when one of the family look at eBay
> listings.
> If nobody comes up with a better development host, let me know and we can
> go to voice and work out the details.
> > We will eventually need some sort of navigation bar.  My first thought is
> > a table across the very top. maybe only 25 pixels high with the
> > background the same color as the normal text and the text in light brown.
> What do you think of the navbar here?:
>  I think this style of navbar is
> called "breadcrumbs".  I stole it from Dejan Jelovic, who stole it from
> Jacob Nielson, so it's got a good pedigree.
>   Wayne Conrad
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