System Flakyness

George Toft
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 06:46:58 -0700

"me too!"

I went from one crash per hour with Windows to one crash per year
after switching to Linux.  Even after I replaced every component
in the computer, and reinstalled Windows 54 times, I still had the

Microsoft's knowledgebase said my problem was memory.

More recently, my Windows system would crash once or twice a day.
When I moved and stopped using the dial-up networking for DSL, which
is how the Intel 2100 internal DSL modem is driven, the lockups 


Rusty Carruth wrote:
> >
> > Kevin Brown wrote:
> > > OK, not totally linux related, but hoping someone might have some suggestions.
> > > I have an Athlon 650 running Win98SE (yeah I know, boo, hiss), but I use it for
> > > games and such that don't exist for linux (Everquest).  My system has been
> > > acting up (Blue Screen of Death, etc...) and since these behaviors seem to have
> > > become a common occurance (well more often than usual) in recent months I'm
> > > beginning to suspect hardware trouble.  I was wondering if anyone knew of a
> > > utility (windows, dos or linux) that could do things like test my systems memory
> > > for errors to see if that is the culprit.
> >
> I had a situation like this with my laptop a couple of years ago (running
> 98, mainly) - I went from one reboot (due to lockup) a week to 1 per day
> - at which point I decided to switch to linux as my primary OS for the
> laptop (rather than my secondary one).
> That was over 2 years ago, and I've not had but maybe 1 hard lockup since
> then (caused by doing something stupid ;-)
> Yeah, I know, its not much help, but what I'm trying to say is -
> Don't assume its always hardware.  (Even though it COULD be)
> rc
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