KDE Office filters

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 11:28:18 -0700

On Saturday 30 June 2001 11:03 am, Craig White wrote:
> The KDE site is kinda vague but does anyone know (Kurt or ???) how far
> along are the file filters for opening MS Word / MS Excel files in
> KWrite / KCalc respectively? Are they in cvs? Will they be in KDE 2.2?

I assume you mean KWord and KSpread.  KWrite is a text editor and KCalc is a 
calculator :-)

There are Word/Excel filters in KOffice that will be released with KOffice 
1.1 (due sometime in August).  They are in CVS right now.  KOffice isn't 
released with KDE anymore.. it has it's own release schedule.

Now as to the status of the filters.. well, it depends.  I just tried opening 
all of my .doc files with KWord and all worked well-enough.  That is to say, 
I could read all the text and the formatting was mostly right.  None of the 
graphics were imported, though, so it's just text.  I don't have any Excel 
spreadsheets to test KSpread so I can't comment on it.

I recommend that you download KOffice 1.1Beta and give it a try with your 

> Is there a schedule for KDE 2.2?


There *may* be a beta late this month instead of a release.  It depends on 
how everything goes.
Kurt Granroth            | http://www.granroth.org
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
granroth@kde.org         | granroth@suse.com
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop