3D card Recommendations

Rusty Carruth plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 1 Jul 2001 21:33:17 -0700 (MST)

> Lucas Vogel wrote:
> >> From: "Bob Cober" <cplusplus@home.com>
> >> Subject: Re: 3D card Recommendations
> > 
> >> NVidia's drivers are closed source....  :-(
> > 
> > ....
> > 
> >> Nvidia's drivers are cool because one driver works with all
> >> chips.  Only problem is theyre closed source....
> > 
> > 
> > Pardon my ranting, but why is the fact that their drivers are closed source
> > make it a 'problem' ??? I don't understand why that constitues a 'problem'.
> > 
> > Lucas
> > 
> Good question Lucas.  The fact that the drivers are closed-source is a 
> problem because of the possibility that Nvidia could decide to stop 
> supporting them.
> ...
> In my opinion, Nvidia has done an excellent job with their linux 
> drivers, and I would recommend them to anyoneone.  But to me, the 
> drivers would be even better if they were open-source...

Well, I'm on the mandrake-expert list, and I'll say I've seen WAY
too many people having problems getting the nvidia drivers to work
for my comfort.  So you can add to the above - bugs can be fixed by
someone other than the manufacturer when the driver(s) are open source.
(and the actually DO get fixed!)
