3D card Recommendations

Michael J. Schweppe plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 22:32:31 -0700

Lucas Vogel wrote:

>>From: "Bob Cober" <cplusplus@home.com>
>>Subject: Re: 3D card Recommendations
>>NVidia's drivers are closed source....  :-(
>>Nvidia's drivers are cool because one driver works with all
>>chips.  Only problem is theyre closed source....
>Pardon my ranting, but why is the fact that their drivers are closed source
>make it a 'problem' ??? I don't understand why that constitues a 'problem'.
In one of the many HOWTO's I've read this topic was discussed in that 
NVidia is said to use intellectual property owned by others, thereby 
they are not at liberity to release the code.

NVidia is also created [according to the same document] with helping 
support the implementation of OpenGL.
