I have run out of time?! Can anyone please help?

Stephen Smith ischis2@home.com
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 08:45:33 -0700

> > I am using @home, and any mail I send from my Linux box to @home, is
> > bounced?
> You cannot relay mail to @home if you are simply fowarding from individual 
> accounts you should not have a problem with this. However if
> you are trying to send mail to other host ie joeblow@yahoo.com you 
> do not need to relay through @home mail servers. REDHAT Sendmail will
> communicate with virtually all SMTP mail servers on the net. But you need 
> to accept connections from the outside world on ports 25
> (SMTP) and 110 (POP3) . This is where you might have problems with the 
> @home network blocking incoming connections.

Ah, it @home isn't blocking my access of those ports to MY server.