ssh-agent2 and $DISPLAY Does someone have a good script to get this parameter correct..
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 09:49:35 -0700

\_ Hey all,
\_          Does someone have a good script to determine DISPLAY 
\_ properties.  I am having trouble getting ssh-agent working correctly, and I 
\_ am working down the path of getting DISPLAY correct.  I can't seem to get 
\_ this to play nicely with my setup..  Any ideas?
\_ Here is my .xsession
\_ --snip--
\_ #!/bin/sh
\_ #
\_ eval '/usr/local/bin/ssh-agent2'
\_ # /usr/local/bin/ssh-add2 ~/.ssh2/myrtle < /dev/null
\_ startkde &
\_ --snip--

Well, there's always 

echo $DISPLAY >> /tmp/mylogfile

and see what it says.

Depending on your environment, you may also have a file named
.xsession-errors or something painful like that.

Could you be more specific on how ssh-agent isn't working?  ssh will
only care about DISPLAY iff you use -X (or at least the version I'm
using only pays attention then.).

You may also be running afowl of .xauthority and the like as well.
