The Handydrive

Thu, 30 Aug 2001 03:44:41 +0000

Hey, Ive had a SIMM on my keychain since 1993. Its gotten
progressively larger tho, as they wear out.

Leave it to some nerd to make one that actually WORKS. Sheesh - it was
all about making a fashion statement, not about carrying data. Heheh.

Nathan England wrote:
> Or better yet, sometime back, couple months maybe?, someone was giving
> away 12mb versions of these, and this is where I got familiar with
> these.  It's a keychain type deal. I think they are included in some
> software package as a promo now, but I got a 12mb version for free
> somewhere, I can't remember where.  The handiest little thing. All my
> scripts from work were easily transported home.
> But now that I finally got dsl, I had no use for it so I gave it away..
> Though I wish I hadn't now.  But I carry my zip with me everywhere, so
> it's kind of useless at only 12megs, still handy though..
> I could slap myself.  ha ha
> Anyone know of this?  or where to get more??

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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