Language Translator for linux?

Nathan England
21 Aug 2001 07:59:55 -0700


I will take that into consideration.  I was thinking about getting into
mcc because with a student discount on plane fair, it would also drop my
moving expenses.  I will be moving to Germany in about 8 months.

I still have plenty of time to learn to read/write, but the
conversational german I could get out of a few visits to this could be
help as well!  Thanks for the tip!


On 20 Aug 2001 16:39:59 -0700, der.hans wrote:
> Am 17. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Nathan England so:
> > Does anyone know of any translation programs for linux?
> > I'm looking for something like alta vista's babelfish, but a program.  I
> > want to translate German to English and vice versa on my laptop, while
> > *not* connected to the net.  
> Nathan,
> look at translate. Default is German -> English :). It's one word at a time,
> though. There are quite a few programs that babelize things, but I don't
> know of any for Linux. Several were available for DOS, so you might be able
> to get one of them working with DOSEMU.
> If you're trying to Learn German show up to Bandersnatch on Fri nights for
> the deutscher Stammtisch :).
> ciao,
> der.hans
> -- 
> #
> #  C'est la Net - der.hans
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