Looking for CVS questions

Ken Bowley plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
20 Aug 2001 23:59:14 -0700

At some point in the not to distant future, Nick and I will hopefully be
giving a presentation on CVS to PLUG.  While we are working on this
presentation, it would be nice to know what kind of questions everyone
has that we can try to answer.

Any questions are valid.. I would like to see questions that range from
"What is CVS?", to questions similar to "How can I edit my website
through CVS and have it automatically update the live site when I commit
changes?" or even "How do I handle multiple branches in the same

Don't expect to see any answers to these questions on the list, but do
look for them during the presentation...

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[The Realm of Darkness]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O-
 Ken Bowley                                        johann@trod.org
 AKA: Lord Johann                              http://www.trod.org
-=-=-=-=-=[ Linux, the choice of the GNU generation ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
LCP, LCI, and Brainbench Linux MVP