OT: RC Vaccine?

Gary Nichols plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
08 Aug 2001 15:53:05 -0700

George - 

I just attempted a probe on that IP for 80 and 139, and they are
definately blocked by Qwest's ACL's.  

Do you have the VDSL plugged into a hub that other computers in your
home are plugged into?  



On 08 Aug 2001 07:47:08 -0700, George Toft wrote:
> Hi gary,
> This is interesting as I have seen port scans on ports under 1024,
> such as 23, 80, 111, 137 and 139.  The one port 80 scan that I tracked 
> down was definitely not QWest - it was a porn server.
> I have VDSL in Anthem.  
> Anyone care to probe port 80 on  I would appreciate
> it.
> George