Alternatives to Frys?

Kurt Granroth
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 13:18:16 -0700

Kimbro Staken wrote:
> > I disagree.  I was using a Linux box with 2 NICs as my router and
> > wasn't very pleased.  It was too big, too hot, and too loud to be used
> > in my living room (where my BB cable comes in).  I got a Linuxsys
> > router and have been pleased as punch ever since.
> Maybe this is a silly question but does it do NAT and port forwarding
> for services? I've used a linux box for this for the last 4 years but
> I'm an audiophile and this thing sits in the closet of my listening
> room. Even with the door closed I can still hear the humming of the hard
> drive and power supply fan. I would love to have something much quieter
> and $130 might just be worth it for some peace.

Yes.  I have it setup so that all the computers in my house are masq
as '' going out.  I then forwarded all smtp and http
requests to one computer and all ssh requests to another.  All other
requests are blocked completely.

There is also an option to forward *everything* to a DMZ... but I
haven't needed to do that yet.

This is the one I got:

There is a link to the User guide (in PDF) that has screenshots of all
of the admin screens.  It's entirely controlled by a web browser
(Konqueror works fine).  I got mine for $99 after a $30 rebate from

<disclaimer>I'm not affiliated with Linksys at all.. but after getting
four ethernet cards, three hubs, an internet router, and a kvm switch
and being immensely satisfied with both price and performance (and
looks in the case of the router and kvm switch) of all of them, I'm a
Linksys fan for life</disclaimer>
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop