Looking for true type fonts

Rick Rosinski rick@rickrosinski.com
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 03:38:38 -0700

Here is the main one, which will give you other links to good sites.
I found this in the Fonts-HOWTO

P.S.  I solved my unzip problem.  I just did unzip "/fonts/*.zip" instead
of just plain unzip /fonts/*.zip - just needed the quotes.

And, Thanks, Art, for the font archive attachment!

On Sat, 30 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Am 29. Sep, 2000 schwäzte Rick Rosinski so:
> > I have been looking for free true-type fonts, and I have found
> > many web sites out there.  The one thing that they have in
> > common is that they have them all listed *individually*, and not
> > one of them (that I have found so far) have all fonts in one big
> Do you mind making a listing of all of them and passing that along to the
> list? I haven't found too many (haven't looked real hard either), but am
> getting ready to restart my Xserver (it's been up almost 300 days) and
> want to add true type fonts as well as take advantage of the hints from a
> fellow RedHat engineer that Kevin pointed us at.
> > file that I can just download and extract.  Plus, most of the ones
> > I have found are *.zip files, and the unzip command doesn't seem
> > to accept a command like "unzip /fonts/*".  it says - for each file -
> > caution:  filename not matched: /fonts/whatever.zip, and nothing
> > gets extracted.
> for i in fonts/*zip
> do
> 	unzip $i
> done
> That'll grab everything that fits fonts/*zip and loop through hitting
> unzip with one filename at a time. Replace "fonts/*zip" with commands in
> backticks, e.g. `find / -name "*.conf"`, and use other commands like "rm
> -f $i" for hours of entertainment ;-). [1][2]
> ciao,
> der.hans
> [1] No, don't run this. It'll ruin your day :).
> [2] In the case of find it's easier to do the whole thing with find. 'find
> / -name "*.conf" -exec rm -f {} \;", but again don't run this :).

Rick Rosinski